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皇室战争开发商 Supercell 在论坛上针对玩家关注的热点问题做出回答。下面一起看看官方针对哪些玩家关注的问题做出回应把。
Q: Do you plan on addressing the gold shortage? A: ‘Yes, we certainly do. The team has several ideas at the moment to introduce new gold into the system. We wanted to take a cautious approach to begin with, and not let everyone have mass amounts of gold as you would see a mass influx of players with high level cards. So now that we have a baseline, we can start introducing new gold into the system.’
Q: Will any sort of ‘Clan VS Clan’ tournaments be added to the game? A: ‘Its something we love the idea of, and originally it was quite high on the priority list, however currently our main focus is to rework tournaments, and get them to a standard we, and our users are happy with.’
Q: How do you feel about the ripple effect caused by the end of season trophy reset? Why should level 8’s have to face level 13’s for several days after the reset? A: ‘This is also something we want to address. We want people to have a reason to push up in trophies, as currently there isn’t much of a reason other than fame and glory. Today (Monday 15th), we did a small maintenance that helps players in the lower arenas push higher, and now we need to help the other end of the trophy spectrum. We are looking into a few options to do with the reset, legendary trophies and incentives.’
Q: What would you do differently if you were go back during the initial development phase of legendary cards? A: ‘We would have added more legendary cards in one hit, so people would have had a higher chance to obtain them. The more legendary cards in the game, the higher the chance of getting one.’
Q: Do you plan on adding any purpose for legendary trophies? A: ‘Yes, although we cant say what yet, though it is certainly something we want to do.’
Q: Is the matchmaking rigged in any way, shape or form? A: ‘Yes. For the most part, the matchmaking system is only based on trophy count. Decks and player XP do not come into the matchmaking system at all, so its not as if you will be forced to play with someone who has a counter to your deck. Its just that there are millions of players, so people are bound to have counters to your deck. However, if you are on a losing streak, the matchmaking will try to pair you with someone else who is on a losing streak, to help break them. The only other feature of matchmaking is dealing with trophy droppers, there are not many of them, but the system does try and pair higher level players with eachother in the lower arenas if possible.’
Q: Were your surprised at the reaction to your statement on emotes? 73% of people on the forum alone were frustrated with your decision. A: ‘Yes, we were a little surprised. We knew people would be upset, but we didn’t quite expect that many people. For the mean time, we are keeping our stance on emotes, but never say never. One thing we are looking at is the potential of making them more positive, so its harder to be insulting with them. Whether this means customizable emotes or buying them like you could in Smash Land, who knows. Its not something we are working on at the moment, but could be down the track.’
Q: What determines the cards you get in a chest, is it randomised luck, or some sort of system? A: ‘For the most part it is luck. Though the system does try to keep your cards all around the same level. For example, you may have noticed when a new card comes out, you tend to find it in just about every chest. This is the system trying to catch it up to your other cards.’
Q: Will you be addressing wintrading and buying tournament chests? A: ‘Yes, we certainly will be. Win trading is a little more tricky as its technically not against the ToS, and is part of the game mechanics, though it does go against ‘the spirit of the game’, and is something we want to enforce. Buying tournament places with real money is a little easier to stop, and we will certainly be looking at that as well.’
Q: Does the team notice the community is being contagiously toxic at the moment? A: ‘Yes we do, and that is something we are going to endeavour to change.’
Q:你们打算解决金币短缺的问题吗? A:是的。目前开发团队已经找到了很多增加游戏金币的方法。不过我们需要特别小心地对待它们,不能让所有的玩家都拥有大量金币然后 人人都能拥有高等级的 卡牌。所以现在我们有了一个基准,然后就可以开始为游戏加入更多的金币了。
Q:以后推推出“部落VS部落”这样的锦标赛吗? A:这个点子我们很喜欢,而且在之前它也是优先设计的内容之一。不过我们现在的目标是重做锦标赛,希望能够让我们自己还有玩家们都觉得满意。
Q:你们对赛季奖杯重置有何看法?为什么在重置后的几天里8级的玩家会碰到13级的? A:这也是我们想要强调的问题。我们希望玩家都能有动力冲奖杯,然而目前除了可以赢得名气和荣誉外几乎就没有别的理由了。在经过最近的一次维护后低阶 竞技场的玩家现在将更好地冲分,而现在我们需要帮助奖杯排名另一端的玩家们。我们将调查并对目前关于重置、 传奇奖杯以及玩家激励等方面的内容进行调整。
Q:如果能够回头重新设计传奇卡牌的话,你们会怎么做? A:我们会一次性加入更多的传奇卡,这样玩家就有更高的几率获得它们了。毕竟传奇卡的数量越多,玩家获得的几率就越大。
Q:是否计划为传奇奖杯增加新的用途? A:是的,尽管目前还不能透露,但我们确实给大家准备了新的东西。
Q:游戏中的匹配系统是有操作规则的吗,是按照状态还是形式? A:是的,在绝大多数情况下匹配系统只会计算玩家的奖杯数量。 卡组和玩家经验并不会计算到匹配系统中,因此并不像大家所看上去的那样会专门给你匹配一个克制当前卡组的对手。这完全是因为玩家群体过于庞大,所以会出现那些拥有克制你卡组的对手也很正常。不过,如果你一连输了好几场,那么系统也会尝试为你匹配另一个连输好几场的对手,这样来帮助你结束连败的局面。匹配系统还有另外一个功能就是处理那些故意掉奖杯的玩家,尽管数量不多,但系统会尝试在低阶竞技场中为他们匹配到高等级的玩家。
Q:关于游戏内表情的问题,看到玩家们的反应是不是很惊讶?官方论坛里73%的玩家对你们的决定都感到失望。 A:是的,说实话我们有点儿惊讶。我们玩家肯定会不爽,但没想到有辣么多。不过现在我们依然坚持对于游戏内表情的看法,但也并非一成不变。关于游戏内表情我们希望它们能够变得更为积极正面一些,而不是让玩家觉得被冒犯了。不管这意味着是自定义表情还是能够像在《Smash Land》里那样直接购买 表情包,谁呢。这不是目前我们需要优先处理的内容,等以后有时间了再说。
Q:是什么决定了箱子里的卡牌,完全是看运气还是别的什么? A:绝大多数是看运气,不过系统会尽可能地让卡牌都处于同一等级。比如你可能已经注意到,如果你获得了一张新的卡牌那么在后面开箱子的过程中这张卡牌几乎次次都出。这就是游戏系统中的卡牌追赶机制。
Q:你们会处理胜利交易以及买锦标赛宝箱吗? A:是的,肯定会。胜利交易尽管从技术上说并不违背用户条款以及游戏机制但却与“游戏精神”相抵触,这会是我们后续强调的问题。至于用现金购买锦标赛奖励这个很容易处理,我们也会尽快解决的。
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